Wake up your RightBrain

Coaching & workshops for creativity, confidence, communication & growth

RightBrain (noun)

A state of being that values creativity, spontaneity, imagination, innovation and expressive communication—seamlessly integrated with practical, goal-oriented achievement.

Get Creative

RightBrain Consulting is founded by Michael Goldfried, who utilizes performance training and improvisation techniques in private coaching, workshops and trainings. His work ignites creativity, confidence and collaboration—in other words, your RightBrain. 

Integrate. Though Michael’s focus is developing right brain skills and thinking, he values the integration of both sides of the brain, offering creative tools to ‘yes, and’ what already works for you—furthering the goal of optimal performance, enhanced productivity and joyful teamwork. 

Learn to pivot

Our programs teach you how to embrace uncertainty and be at ease with change.
The skills of improvisation and acting can be directly applied to work and life challenges, offering you a toolkit for success in an ever-changing world.
Michael’s work helps you to flip the script on the unexpected. Instead of fearing or freezing when the unexpected shows up, discover how to pivot with ease to new circumstances. You’ll learn to welcome uncertainty, excited for the fantastic results that come from an authentic response to the unknown.

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Meet Michael

Founder and Senior Facilitator, RightBrain Consulting

Michael is an acclaimed director, coach & workshop leader and creator of the RightBrain Approach. He works privately with performers and business professionals and at Fortune 500 companies such as Capital One, American Airlines, Mass Mutual and IBM.

Michael utilizes empathic conversation, improvisation skills, performance technique and his background as a professional director to help people access their bravery, creativity and communication skills—taking their career and work life to the next level. 

Learn more about Michael

We can help

We offer specialized training in person and online:

  • public speaking, keynotes and presentations

  • voice and speech training

  • relaxed, professional confidence & body language

  • on-camera digital presence

  • spontaneity, teamwork & collaboration 

  • role playing for interpersonal skills

  • leadership & management training

  • sales & marketing

  • empathic coaching for work-life goals

  • coaching for actors & directors

  • plus fun improv sessions

"Michael was amazing to work with. I was looking for a coach who could help me experience the full range of my voice and its power to advance in the next chapter of my career. I would describe him as incredibly intuitive, deliberate, professional, fun and committed. I highly recommend him!”

-Julie M, PR executive


“Working with Michael is an invitation to find freedom, creativity, authenticity, spontaneity, and sheer joy… Fear melts in his presence.  Michael has a natural empathy and creative soul that he masterfully balances with exceptional professionalism.”

-Elizabeth P, actor

A new reality

As we adapt to the challenges of this moment, we experience tremendous opportunity for creative expansion and business innovation.

We invite you to leverage the tools of improvisation and performance technique to discover new ways to collaborate, innovate, find ease with change, and be your best self online.

Explore the virtual programs that can help you get there.


What are the benefits?


  • build confidence and charisma

  • conquer stage fright & performance anxiety

  • communicate clearly—in person and online 

  • ignite your creative mind

  • receive empathic, personal support

  • learn how to truly listen and co-create

  • respond spontaneously and “think on your feet”

  • enjoy collaborating with diverse groups


  • cultivate employee happiness and retention 

  • foster an environment for new ideas and innovation

  • increase productivity with bottom line results

  • practice skills for teamwork & positive collaboration

  • create teams that can pivot with ease

  • advance a culture that honors diversity and inclusion

Your toolkit for a changing world

Using the RightBrain Approach, Michael’s work ignites: